"Zonta International" is a worldwide, nonprofit organization of professional women in leadership positions who share a commitment to improving the lives of women in the areas of law, politics, business and the professions. Zonta International is nonpartisan, nonsectarian and politically neutral. Building friendships and mutual support is a fundamental element of our organization, reflected in the motto "Zonta is Friendship - Worldwide.
There are more than 1,100 clubs with 28,000 members in 63 countries around the world. Diversity is valued, including a mix of professions, talents, generations and social backgrounds.
Zonta was founded in the United States in 1919 as the first women's service organization. The name Zonta is derived from the Sioux language of symbols and means to act honorably, to be trustworthy and to have integrity. The founders chose it to guide their own actions. The Zonta emblem symbolizes these goals.
Members come from all walks of life, which is part of the Zonta philosophy. Looking beyond one's own professional horizon and gaining insight into other professions is a personal benefit to each member and promotes mutual tolerance. The strength of service lies in the diversity of professions to which all members contribute their skills, knowledge, financial resources, and connections.
History of Zonta International .... The Early Years.... I The history of Zonta is closely linked to the development of emancipation and the value of women in the world and is marked by great personalities such as Amelia Earhart. It is all the more important to continue this development and not to slacken in denouncing injustices and bringing them to the attention of all people!